Thursday, August 18, 2011

Angels in the Infield?

So it's been all work and no play...well with gen-con a couple weeks ago it's been mostly play...

After a short break I decided to start a little project for myself this time and add some alters to my linvala edh.  Of course they have to be angelic themed which has been in itself pretty fun once I found my groove.  Here's what I have so far:

So far so good as they say, and with all the glitter paint I'm using I don't see how I could go wrong haha.  Time to get some more for the monster known as ebay.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Angels, Demons and Tom Hanks

A while ago I was asked by a friend of mine asked me to put Tom Hanks on his general.  Once I knew the details of the project he had in mind I couldn't refuse.  After a failed attempt and a lot of scraping I feel that the end result turned out pretty awesome.

Can you stand against Tom Hanks?  Initiate scoop phase.